This is the original version made for the GMTK Game Jam 2024. You can play the updated version here.

You are Test Subject #5123 in a laboratory, a cross between a fish and a human (though more fish than human), but when you leave your container, you slowly shrink when not placed in water! You'll need to solve puzzles that require you to use your size to your advantage to figure out how to escape.

Known issues

  • The beginning cutscene is unfinished and the player has no animation (I ran out of time...)
  • The test subject in the third room has no animation (I made an animation for it but forgot to have it play)
  • "S or [Down Arrow] to Save" and "S or [Down Arrow] to Unlock" does not hide at the start of a scene.
  • The music (and sound effects?) change volume and pan according to the camera position.
  • Music does not loop when the game is not in focus.
  • When starting from the right and then saving at a save point, and then later pressing R or dying, the player will spawn in the wrong position.
  • Crate physics can be weird.
  • Sometimes items can persist after the player dies or restarts.
  • Doors sometimes automatically open when the player has the corresponding key after reentering the room or respawning there.
  • Dialogue sometimes does not show up after dying/restarting.
  • The item animations loop wrong.
  • The bottom of the fourth room is visible if the player is small enough.
  • "theleakage" typo
  • The death animation is placed at the bottom of the character.
  • The text is not centered on the end screen.

Note that save data does not currently persist between playthroughs, so try to finish the game in one sitting.

Made in 96 hours for the GMTK Game Jam 2024, where the theme was "Built to Scale".


If you're stuck on something, reading the dialogue may help! Click the room you are stuck on below to see its solution.

Room 1 Navigate through the level and make sure you are big enough to jump on to high platforms or small enough to fit through smaller spaces. Use the water to grow back in size.
Room 2 It is recommended to use the save point to save. Push the crate to the right while you are big and use it to jump to the right. Then, wait for your size to be small enough (a little less than 75% size) before jumping to the left.
Room 3 (if you managed to beat this one please let me know!)Jump on to the crate at a little over 50% size and squeeze your way through. Use the water to grow and push the crate on top of the cat. Then, repeatedly grow yourself and "feed" the cat your size by going next to its head (make sure you aren't in the corner when you're feeding it so that you aren't stuck there). Look at the first screenshot to get a better sense of this part. When the cat reaches around 2 times its original size (it will stop moving when it does so; though this was not intended functionality, it does make the level easier), jump onto the crate on top of it and reach the save point as quickly as possible to avoid being too small to jump high enough.
Room 4 Attract the first drone by going into the red light, then make it follow you down and to the right, where you would then use it as a platform to go higher up. Where there are two openings, choose the one on the right. Afterwards, attract the second drone (make sure you are big enough to jump high enough) and direct it to the upper left where the yellow key is (you'll have to be at most 25% size to fit through). Be careful, as the drones stop detecting you when you reach 30% size or lower. Collect the key and go down into the water. Use the first drone as a platform again to go to the locked door and open it.
Room 5 and after Collect the bottle (make sure you know how to use it) and go back to Room 3 (you'll need to absorb water from the bottle to help get there). Shrink the cat by releasing water on it and waiting for it to fit into the hole on the left. Then, carefully fit through the hole and go on top of the cat at around 25% size and collect the blue key. After that, go back onto the cat to get to the left where you will grow the cat and yourself while jumping until you can jump on the cat and make it through the hole at around 50% size. Finally, make your way back to the left of Room 1 and open the door to access the end screen.


In case you didn't notice, 5123 is leetspeak for "size".

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