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I've decided to take a stab at a GB Studio 3 version of this with MiniVariables16 since I think it would still be useful to have as something that can easily integrate into the scripting UI.

Thanks for laying out the blueprint with this older version! If you know of anywhere else I should post this let me know, I actually have no experience with GB Studio, just felt like contributing something.

Are you planning to update this for GB Studio 3? Variables are 16-bit now so this could add even more functionality to the engine.

In v3 you can simply use bitwise operators to set bits.

Can you elaborate? I'm having trouble looking up exactly what you mean by 'bitwise operators' in the context of GB Studio/GBVM.

The “Evaluate Math Expression” and “If Math Expression” events support the bitwise operators & | ^, which you can search up without the context of GB Studio. For example, $00$ & 0b1111 will be the lowest 4 bits of the variable, or a “4-Bit Variable” in the terminology of this plugin.

Deleted 1 year ago

Very cool, very useful